When washing textiles from HAZIA we recommend you:
. wash in 40deg
. use liquid detergents without bleaching properties.
. air dry
These tips will not only make your fabrics to last longer but it will contribute to save water and energy.
Textile washing has a bigger impact on the environment than you probably realise. By switching off your dryer,
you not only increase the lifespan of your table linen, but also help the environment.
Since 90% of the energy consumed by both washing machines and dryers is used to heat up the water.
If possible, you can always spot cleaning by hand or machine wash on cold with gentle cycle.
When we do our laundry in cold water with a suitable detergent, there is a significant reduction in the amount of energy required for each wash.
Make good choices :)
All our fabrics are free of harzous chemicals, you do not need to bother washing them for the first time-use.
Remember that to get a fresh feeling is often enough to air outside